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Haftone Background

China & I is your brand's strategic growth partner for China.

China Strategy and Market entry Management Services

China Market Research and Entry Strategy 

Business Development & Full Channel Management

Branding, Marketing & Social Media Management

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Founded in 2020, China & I is a management service provider for international consumer brands in fashion, beauty, F&B and lifestyle to enter and grow in China. 


We are specialized in mid-market brands from Europe, US and Australia.


Having marketed and operated both international and local brands in China and the Asia Pacific region, we have helped numerous brands and businesses in growing in the Chinese market, adding value from strategic business planning, marketing and social media communications, wholesale or retail channel establishment to digital and eCommerce business growth.


We are based in Hong Kong and Hangzhou, China.

Entry Strategy and Go-to-market Roadmaps 

  • Brand Strategy and Positioning

  • Strategic Localization 

  • Distribution & Channel Strategy

  • eCommerce Strategy

  • Retail Strategy

  • Commercial Planning 

  • Go-to-market Roadmaps

Branding, Marketing & Communications

  • Chinese Social Media Strategy 

  • Brand Material Localization

  • Social Media Account Management

  • KOL &  Influencer Marketing  

  • Digital Development

Business Development & Sales 

  • eCommerce & Digital

  • Wholesale & Retail

  • Event Management 

  • Business Development 

  • Private Clientelling 


The Biggest Mistakes Luxury Brands Make in China

Chinese consumers today are in an increasingly powerful position. The plethora of Chinese social media apps, peer-to-peer review platforms and livestreaming tools gives them unprecedented ability to express their opinions, positive or negative. Brands are often part of the conversation and a fashion show streaming from Paris can be nighttime entertainment. Taking an overconfident approach, by failing to meticulously prepare for such an event, for example, can have consequences.


Our original work was published on the Business Of Fashion.

Read more.

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